Quarry Ridge Animal Hospital

30 Old Quarry Road
Ridgefield, CT 06877




Acupuncture & Homeopathy

Acupuncture relieves pain and promotes healing by stimulating circulation, usually at a specific spot. Our trained veterinary acupuncturist has used acupuncture therapy to treat injuries and wounds, chronic conditions, and even some internal diseases. For example, it can dramatically reduce the painful symptoms of arthritis, kidney and liver diseases, and pancreatitis.

Laser acupuncture can provide all the benefits of traditional acupuncture therapy. Treatment sessions typically last between 20-40 minutes and don’t require any recovery time at all. Amazingly, we see pets relax during their session—some even doze off!—and many show improvement after their second or third treatment.

Unlike some medications, laser acupuncture doesn’t pose the risks of allergic reactions or adverse interactions with other drugs and won’t interfere with special dietary regimens. That means that acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for most pets, no matter their age, size, condition, or temperament.

Our veterinary acupuncturist also uses nutraceuticals, vitamins, and other homeopathic supplements to augment the effects of acupuncture on your pet’s wellbeing.

Yellow Labrador Retriever receives a laser acupuncture treatment at Quarry Ridge Animal Hospital